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  3. Clash of Legions goes live in some countries!

    To clear an <a href="https://www.hpprintersupportpro.com/blog/hp-printer-paper-jam/">hp printer paper jam</a>, switch off your printing device. Now, open the cartridge access door and take out the jammed paper inside. After that, close the access door. Turn on the printer and try to print. Note that sometimes the printer may tell you that there is a paper jam even if there isn't. This can happen if your pickup roller is dirty. So, take a clean piece of paper and clear it of dust and debris.
  4. Will Star Seal ever be fixed?

     Become a medical professional by joining the <a href="https://osuimf.com">international medical faculty</a> at Osh State Medical University.
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     Experience world-class medical education at one of Kyrgyzstan’s leading <a href="https://osuimf.com">international universities</a>.
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     Earn your <a href="https://osuimf.com">bachelor of medicine</a> from a globally recognized university and pave the way for your future medical career.
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     Earn your <a href="https://osuimf.com">bachelor of medicine</a> from a globally recognized university and pave the way for your future medical career.
  8. [Flood] Hel's Tavern

    There is no option of starting a new thread
  9. Sommerfest und Wochenede Events 02.08-05.08

    Can someone guide me as how could I start a new topic?
  10. Can game sounds be downloaded as ringtones?

    I am loving these insights as I found it very much useful and informative to be honest also can you please explain me like how can I customize my ringtone.
  11. New player

    Hello there, This is my first post after just joining this discussion; so please forgive me and provide kind assistance if I have posted to the wrong subsection. I am new here but a real enthusiast and loving this community so far. I have a background in gaming and in streaming and feel I could help with documentation, at least for starters. As a new member in this forum and wish to share and gain some knowledge. I am looking forward to create my own discussion to resolve my query and gain some knowledge though I have taken part in various discussion which is definitely helped me a lot. Also in what category should be taken depends on what factors? Thankyou in advance.
  12. Suggestions et souhaits

    Personnellement je trouve qu'il faudrait faire évoluer les personnages(et le jeu) au delà du lvl 500, ainsi que les boss, on s'ennuie à mourir depuis 3 ans sans évolution, je pense que je vais abandonner, on doit être une dizaine de joueurs à continuer en espérant toujours.... De plus les récompenses sont minables, même pas de stuff 9* en loot ou trésor du roi...
  13. Neues Server - Magnitixy

    I want to get some gaming ideas, i am searching for someone who has expertise in gaming.
  14. Neues Server - Magnitixy

  15. New player

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