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Everything posted by Gretta

  1. Rewards

    Heya! The devs are aware of this problem. Please contact the technical support service; they will send you the missing part. https://www.creagames.com/en/support/11 Sorry for the inconvenience.
  2. artifact problem

    Heya! The devs are aware of this problem. Please contact the technical support service; they will send you the missing part. https://www.creagames.com/en/support/11 Sorry for the inconvenience.
  3. artifact problem

    Heya! The devs are aware of this problem. Please contact the technical support service; they will send you the missing part. https://www.creagames.com/en/support/11 Sorry for the inconvenience.
  4. I have now actually quit doing cross server bosses. I'm level 215 with 13.2 million BP so i'm not weak, but even so how can i compete against level 260 - 270 with 20 million BP? I can't is the answer, i can be on the last bar of a boss and pow!! they come in and kill me taking my wins... so thats it, I'm done with it i'm afraid, unless something is done about it.
  5. put a stop to people quitting in Duel

    Which server are you on? fairly new servers may well be server based until you become more established. Regarding players quiting it is their prerogative to do that.
  6. Something does need to be done with the Cross server bosses. I have just left level 8 and 3 of the top 10 cross server players kept taking my bosses, fighting each other at the same time. the lower levels were much more civilized, yes its PVP but the lower levels respected each other. my clan leader even said he tries to stay away from cross bosses because exactly what i and other describe happens to him too. This is not what the game needs and people like KillerKane in comment above me will happen. Devs please do something about this one floor for everyone above 210 is going to keep creating this chaos. Add extra floors, floor 8 for levels 210-230, floor 9 230 -260, yes still a big gap in level and BP but it would take the pressure off having us all on the same floor.
  7. Mount Guide

    Players may wonder just as I did is Mount 10 the final level? After scrolling through to see which one is next. Well unless the devs decide to change this in the future then yes 10 is the highest level, but it does not end there. Once you have accomplished level 10 Mount, you will then see you can Enchant your mounts statistics. You will still need your Mount crystals available from: 1. Store purchase 2. Dungeon (progress) Mount 3. Dungeon (story) Each of the circles are a statistic to help improve your mount eg: Attack, Defense, HP, dodge etc... The enchantment increases in 'floors' so when one is complete you move on to the next one. So your mount will always be gaining you extra statistics and BP. Good luck and enjoy the game!
  8. Tomb Guide

    I'd just like to add this about the tombs also. You will find as you progress through the game, that certain sets will help boost your BP. One of these are your totems. You will start to collect totem stones from tomb drops (available from level 55+) the first set are green, try to complete full sets before moving on to higher levels and save yourself from having to go back at a later date. Each item of gear that you have has 3 stars to complete. (in the circled image) When you have all 3 stars on all your gear you will receive a further BP boost before moving on to the next level. So first green, then blue, purple, orange and red. The higher level you become the bigger the BP boost. Different floors offer different level totem stones,so make sure you are on the right floors for the totem stones you need. You will find your totems in Equipment (Hotkey K) Good luck and enjoy the Tombs.
  9. Elemental Weapon "Water crystals"

    I have noticed they have become very rare, i think i have picked up one in like the last 3 -4 days.
  10. guild bosses

    You will find the game will change and adapt for you, i'm on server 6, the lead archer with 12.3 mil BP, I only got there because others quit, the devs are ever devising things as our levels increase, if you have patience Killjoy you will be rewarded. I understand where you are coming from though, not everyone can stay up so late in and around Europe.
  11. guild bosses

    I'm in the UK too,but its not so much of a problem for me, there are plenty of events that run during the day, and I have to say despite the 5 hour time difference (for us ahead of server time) I find myself up as late as 4am still taking part in events. Kudos to the game though as despite being an insomniac i chose to say up and take part in evening events as i thoroughly enjoy them, and i've not done that in any other game i've played in the past.
  12. In game competitions/ events

    LOL I just figured it out
  13. I love the valentines event, just as i did the christmas and New years events, managed to win some great stuff. Something I spoke of with my clan today is that a player may be able to know how many points there are assigned to the tasks, that way they can refresh the tasks getting top points. Is this possible? Although it might not necessarily be cheating it certainly would give those players an unfair advantage over others. The only reason this came about is that our top server player and her alt in same clan have managed to have the exact event points, far in front of anybody else. Neither of them appear to spend money on the game, so we ask how do they do it?
  14. pointless heal ability

    You look adorable, and you're doing well keep at it, you will soon be super strong and the levels just fly by.
  15. pointless heal ability

    This is me. You may need to crop the pic but would love to see how you look :-)
  16. pointless heal ability

    I count myself lucky I am my servers #2 player, but it is all about trial and error and how you wish to play the game, each player is different, more recently I have started upping my healing skills in artifacts as I feel i have neglected them a little, and these skills will most certainly help in Campaign: Hero. The more i increase the skill the higher those heals are.
  17. pointless heal ability

    You may find a use for that skill in the near future, when I started getting further along in the Artifact challenges I would fail in the time allowed in with a boss, on coming out my health would be still depleted, so i would use the skill to heal myself before carrying on with the game. As i have progressed through the game ( now level 199) I have found I don't use the skill as much. A good example of its use at all points through the game is elite boss, when teamed up with clan members against others, the minute you leave that circle you can click your health to regain before going back in with your clan, thus supporting each other. Give it a try and win those bosses with your clan
  18. XP Sphere

    Awesome, something to look forward to.
  19. More Artifact challenge

    I was wondering if there would possibly be any more artifact challenge? After completing level 205, the game does not seem to recognize when its completed as I still get the notification to challenge level 205 LOL. If the game goes up to at least level 310 but challenges are finished long before that, it kind of calls in to questions what will there be to do? After quitting LOA playing for nearly 5 years I have been searching for something to take its place, and this game is it, I want to be a long lasting player, but it would be nice to know we will still have things to accomplish as we progress to higher levels. I'm only level 195 but look forward to what will come
  20. fix bug

    Does it tell you your online limit is maxed out? It will cut off at a certain point unless you use them, you will not get any more. could this be happening to you?
  21. CROSS -S-BOSS-10min this is joke ?

    I'm level 195 and can kill a boss in around 4 minutes, so you automatically take 10 minutes, that is a big drop in the time we can be in there. This does seem unfair to us all.
  22. I think that is a fair reply, I am on server 6 and even though there is not the kind of trouble MysticSiren is encountering the floors are incredibly busy to try and kill bosses, so it would be very helpful to split them in the way suggested, that way everyone gets a fair chance to get what they need.
  23. Evolution stones in Synthesis

    Thank you to the devs for bringing in this synth, its awesome. Very happy me
  24. Server 4 dead server

    I'm on server 6 and there is tumbleweed blowing through its so quiet lol